Blog Archives

Survey of Foundations

Posted June 6, 2008 9:14 AM by Ted Jackson

Ascendant is very interested in learning more about how foundations measure impact across their grantees. As a result, we created a simple survey for attendees of the Council on Foundations Leadership Summit last month. We are now opening up the suvey to foundations that come to our website

Just click on "Our Approach" and then "Foundations" in the left side navigation on our website. The survey will take only 5 minutes to answer a few questions. When printed, it all fits on one page, so realize this is not a long questionairre. We are planning on keeping this survey open for another six weeks or so and then producing the results. The questions are about how you manage your foundation, what you require of your grantees, and whether you aggregate grantee performance or offer additional services to help them manage better.

If you fill out the survey, then we will capture your email address and send you the results once we publish them. Thanks in advance for your help.

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