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Teresa Amabile's Progress Principle about Motivation in the Workplace - TED Talks

Posted October 19, 2011 1:59 PM by Dylan Miyake

"The truth is, everyone is working crazy hours, doing impossible tasks, and still keeping on the cheery side of the street. God help me, I do love them so."

We are all in this crazy economy together, where budget cuts and hiring freezes, and the mantra of "do more with less" are so prevalent. But hearing an employee that is so content with the chaos is not the norm. In fact, it's outright counter-intuitive.

So how is this guy staying on "the cheery side of the street"?

We wanted to know too, so we found a video of the author speaking in Atlanta recently, and shared it here on our site for everyone to watch.

The video is an excerpt from Teresa Amabile's new book called The Progress Principle: Small ways to ignite joy in the workplace, which is the result of an intimate study into the stories of motivation in the workplace.

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Terrific resource! You had me from the beginning with that engaging quote. I watched the whole 18-minute video and benefited greatly. Thanks for promoting progress principles and helping others reduce the risk of living lives of quiet desperation.
# Posted By Tracy S. Deitz | 10/19/11 3:02 PM
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