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Communicating the Balanced Scorecard – Continued

Posted June 14, 2011 1:47 PM by Ted Jackson

OK, I forgot to finish my story about my plane flight and the nice woman who was so poorly introduced to the Balanced Scorecard by her University. Well, it turns out that she did have some established goals in her department, and at the end of the year, she was evaluated on these goals as well as several other measures as part of her Balanced Scorecard review. She said "it would have been nice if they would have told me what they were measuring before they gave me the evaluation." I responded, in a very sophisticated manner, "Duh!"

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Nice story. It just goes to show that everyone who is a part of balanced scorecard analysis needs to understand not only what it involves, but more importantly what is trying to be achieved. Thanks
# Posted By Rob Whitwood | 7/9/11 6:44 AM
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