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Happy Veterans Day!

Posted November 11, 2011 12:17 PM by Brandon Kline

Regardless of your position on America's wars, past or present, I think we would all agree that our Veterans deserve a day to be honored. They have served our country, protecting the everyday freedoms of folks like you and me. I'm not writing this post to highlight any issues, positive or negative, surrounding our Veterans, but simply to show my support and say thank you.

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On Alignment

Posted November 11, 2011 7:53 AM by Dylan Miyake

Peel back almost any case study of a failed organization, and you'll see, more than anything else, an example of a failure of alignment. Alignment, at its simplest, is the entire organization working towards a common goal. It seems so simple, but in practice is really difficult to achieve. Why is this? Is it just some perverse quirk of human nature? Or can alignment happen?

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